VisiTouch 24 MX
VisiTouch 24 MX is a 3D graphical numerical control for CNC press brakes with a new solution all-in-one:
- • 24 inches surface Full Touch-screen and the CNC board mounted on the back of the screen.
- • Full digital with CANopen® and EtherCAT® field buses controlling many axes
- • Importing, programming, visualizing and simulating the bending of a part, all in 3D, quick, easy and efficient.
- • Interface to all kind of hydraulic systems, I/O and analog axes thanks to the CybMVA modules placed inside the cabinets.
In addition to all the features available to control simple as well most sophisticated press brakes, hydraulic, electrical and hybrid, VisiTouch 24 MX offers also an open system allowing customization to be up to the Industry’s 4.0 production management requirements.
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Main Features For The User
- 24 inches modern streamlined glass surface touch screen that can be used with gloves.
- User friendly HMI, thanks to intuitive programming.
- Full 3D visualisation and simulation.
- Parts management with DXF flat pattern and 3D format files import.
- DXF Export.
- Automatic solutions of complex parts: automatic bend sequencing, gauging, tooling and auto segmentation.
- Highest precision of bending thanks to sophisticated algorythms.
- Tandem
- Tools import.
- Group management for complex production.
- Preliminary / Final bend.
- Hemming management.
- Running under Windows 10 for multitasking and networking.
- Angle measurement.
- Barcode reader
- Customizable Industry 4.0
- Running on Windows 10 with UWF cut off protection.
Main Features For The OEM
- Set up with dedicated wizards (auto-tuning).
- All kinematics available:
- – For X, Xrelatives, Xslave, R, Rslave, and Z axes.
- – For Back and Front multiples gauges.
- – For bending aids.
- – Up to 26 axes.
- Axes control through CANopen® and EtherCAT® with wide configuration compatibilities.
- Customizable User Buttons for the machine operator.
- Open system for customization.
- Interactions with the beam through specific cycles to manage hybrid and electric press brakes.
- Dynamic and regulated crowning cycles.
- Plug-in for HMI part.
- Communication protocol with arm robots for press brakes applications.
Ordering Information
Customer Benifits
- 19” large and modern streamlined glass surface touch screen.
- Easy operating thanks to the user friendly HMI
- Direct import of DXF and 3D files and 3D visualisation and simulation.